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Are you stuck in your life or business?

Tired of shooting in the dark?

Feeling overwhelmed?

Not sure of what to do?

Not getting the results you want?

Like you have so much more to give but not sure what of what do?

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You're in the Right Place

Your soul led you here already. I struggled for years to build my online business.

Endless sleepless nights, so much fear racing through my body.

Even though I had gone to business school and worked in corporate, I could not figure out this online business game.

I had no idea what I was doing.

I never felt like I was doing enough. I didn't know if I was doing the right things.

The Feeling is AWFUL

I said enough was enough as I was sitting on my mom's coach crying to my not-yet coach.

I was so scared to sign up. I felt like I didn't have enough to invest.

I felt overwhelmed and alone and she PUSHED me to do it because she believed in me.

Just Like I Believe in YOU

You were led here. You CAN do this.

You have more to give, more to create, more to do.

There is nothing stopping you and all we need sometimes is a little push.

Some guidance, a coach. You are on your hero's journey and if you are ready to accept the next step.

Then enroll in Private Coaching now..

You will have faster results

Even if you are a new business owner or adding a passive income stream to your business, you will get the results you need.

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You are investing in faster results

Learn from experts with personalized guidance

You have a trained sounding board

You will have a trained hypnotherpist, NLP Practioner, entreprenuer and multi million dollar sales coach that is completely focused on your results

You have someone to guide you forward

You will be able to remove any blocks, eliminate all excuses and past patterns and MOVE FORWARD TO SEE RESULTS

You will learn lifelong skills

The sooner you start, the faster your next level results

Your next level results start now

The truth is that the results are going to be yours to own.

What I can bring is a systematic appraoch to helping you continuallky move forward, get unstuck and see results faster in the most efficient way possible.

You will be inspired.

You will remove any blocks.

You will take more action.

You will be supported.

You will get strategic insights.

I will show up to support you, share everything I know. I hold NOTHING back.

I am deeply committed to your success.

REsults include..

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From Not Enough Income to an Endless Stream of Consistent Clients

Say goodbye to the struggle of not having enough consistent clients

Restructure your offers

Improve your client acqusition strategy

Spend less time in your business and more time helping more people

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From Blocked and Frustrated to Clear and Action Oriented

Move through blocks and fears even faster

Laser focused on foundational blocks and fears

Release fears that hold you back from going bigger

Dissolve doubts at the root

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From Time-Wasting to Time Efficiency

Break free from doubts, fears and procrastination

Prirotize your highest leverage activity

Have more time to rest

Systematically learn to eliminate fears

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From Inconsistent to Consistent Output

You will be laser focused on your tangible results

Grow your content portfolio

Create the product set you need

Reduce effort and overwhelm

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Bonus: All courses

You will get a personalized mindset formula to help you break through your current blocks and limited beliefs

Laser focused to help target the biggest blocks

Persoanlized to your unique circumstances

Easily implemented and actionable

What You Get In Private Coaching

This package is specifically created for busy professionals that will

Unlimited sessions with Karen during the term of your coaching agreement

Priority access to Lightmakers offers, partnerships, and releases during the time that we work together

Unlimited Support When You Need it

All Lightmakers Courses and New Releases

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You will get these exclusive extras

All courses and releases

Priority contact

Personalized live hypnotherapy sessions

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Private Coaching with Karen Diaz Investment:

Single Payment Investment: $19,997

Payment Plan: First Month $2,500 and $1,680 Per Month

Next Steps

Click below and pay for your payment plan or email us at for any questions

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Is Lightmakers coaching only for life-coaches?

Absolutely not. Karen's expertise lies in helping individuals in services-based online businesses, digital course creation, and online sales and marketing. If you aspire to create offers you believe in and sell them to those who need your expertise, Lightmakers coaching is the right fit for you.

How can I schedule coaching sessions with Karen?

As a private client of Team Lightmakers, you will have exclusive access to Karen's coaching calendar. You can conveniently schedule your sessions for Tuesdays. You also have access to drop in voxer coaching

What days are coaching sessions held on?

BodyCoaching sessions with Karen are primarily conducted on Tuesdays. However, we are flexible and open to discussing alternative arrangements that better suit your schedule and availability.

How personalized is the coaching experience with Karen?

Karen believes in providing a highly personalized coaching experience tailored to your specific needs and goals. Through one-on-one sessions and collaborative discussions, Karen will deeply understand your business and guide you towards strategies and solutions that align with your vision. You can expect individualized attention and support throughout your coaching journey.

What ongoing support is available aside from the scheduled coaching sessions?

Lightmakers Coaching is not just limited to the scheduled sessions. Karen and Team Lightmakers are committed to your long-term success. You will have access to ongoing support, such as email consultations or check-ins between sessions, ensuring you receive guidance and accountability even outside of the coaching calls.

Can I join Lightmakers Coaching if I'm just starting my online business?

Absolutely! Lightmakers Coaching is suitable for both aspiring entrepreneurs and established business owners. Karen's expertise in services-based online businesses and digital course creation makes it an ideal opportunity to receive guidance right from the start. Karen will provide valuable insights, strategies, and frameworks to help you build a strong foundation for your online business journey

Can Lightmakers guarantee specific results?

Karen has unwavering belief in her ability to increase your belief in yourself and your work. The spiritual and practical principles taught by Team Lightmakers have the potential to revolutionize your life and business. The various components of this offer are carefully crafted to provide you with everything you need to achieve remarkable success. However, it's important to note that individual results may vary.

The testimonials you see are from real individuals who signed up to work with Karen and Team Lightmakers, diligently put in the work, and achieved tangible results. Karen believes in your potential to make a significant difference in this world and attain greater financial abundance. It's essential to remember that ultimately, your success depends on your dedication and commitment to putting in the necessary effort.

DISCLAIMER: Karen and Team Lightmakers do not guarantee or warrant specific results or increased income. The testimonials shared on this page may not represent typical outcomes for all students.

What extraordinary possibilities await you and your online business if you take the leap and join Lightmakers Coaching with Karen today?

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